PGA Championship 2018
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is no secret to anyone who works in broadcasting that the industry is rapidly changing.  Often times these changes come at the expense of our membership, in the form of cutting back days or overtime hours.  It may impact one crew or department at different times, but eventually everyone will feel it.  The corporate culture is often unforgiving as to the real impact their decisions have on the livelihoods of their workers.  We are working to address these concerns with CBS Sports management and let them know our IBEW members’ concerns.

The first step in dealing with management is to always remind them we are all united, in solidarity, as one voice.  To do that, today at the PGA Championship, August 11th, our members are wearing a red shirt to work.  The sight of the entire IBEW workforce in red will send a loud message to management that we are united in our support of each other, and that the cutbacks and reductions will not be accepted quietly.


Ralph Avigliano
Business Manager
Local 1212, IBEW
225 West 34th Street, Suite 1120
New York, NY 10122